Most fitness centres and gyms take into consideration the popularity of the Functional Fitness and Cross Training boom and incorporate a strong Commercial Grade Functional Fitness range to ensure their clients are getting the most of their workout.
This style of training incorporates a combination of gymnastics,aerobic exercise, high intensity interval training, plyometrics and weight lifting.
Not only used by athletes all over the world, but individuals are smashing out their daily WOD [workout of the day] in gyms everywhere to improve overall strength and fitness. Providing a varied and high intensity workout, this style of training training appeals equally to both men and women so having the right commercial gym equipment is vital in keeping your members loyal and true to your gym.
Equipment used in Functional Fitness Training includes Rigs or Racks, Barbells, Weight Plates, Bumper Plates, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Plyometric Boxes, Gymnastics Rings, Chin Up Bars, Dip Stations, Battle Ropes and more. Power Sleds are also ideal for those who are serious about building endurance and power and with the added bonus that it looks awesome in any gym. The centre piece of the gym is the Rig as most of the equipment is hung or attached to this. The quality here needs to be really high with heavy gauge steel and purpose built for even elite and professional training facilities.
Unfortunately many competitors manufacture Rigs using 3mm thick steel or less; anything under 4mm is definitely not recommended. All our Rigs meet the minimum 4mm thick requirement making them the most solid and highest quality rigs on the market.
Getting the best quality is vital when choosing any type of commercial gym equipment. The equipment needs to stand up to the punishment it will be subjected to on a daily basis. Some retailers claim their fitness equipment to be premium gear and charge big bucks when in fact it’s made of inferior quality materials which could potentially become a safety hazard for your clients.
In conclusion, If you’re serious about your business and your client’s wellbeing, quality is key. Do not compromise on this. Taking the cheap option and fitting out a gym with inferior quality commercial fitness equipment could potentially ruin your business and professional life. Poor quality rigs can cause serious injuries due to metal fatigue and failure. Many of the rigs out there are just not up to scratch and shouldn’t be on the market.
Hopefully, you will find useful information through our above content.
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All the best wishes!

Post time: May-09-2024